June 5th - KinderCare Graduation for Owen and Pre Party Bouncing!
KinderCare had a cute Graduation Ceremony for the kids as they finished up Pre K. All the kids will head to Kindergarten in the fall. Owen spent the summer before Kindergarten at KinderCare so this wasn't his last day at KinderCare but it was for some of his friends.
The boys' birthday bounce house always gets delivered the evening before their party so we were able to do a little pre party bouncing!!
Family Selfie!!
June 6th - Party Day!!
We did a lot of celebrating in May for the boys' birthdays but today was their official party with family and neighbors :-) Thanks to everyone who helped us celebrate the boys turning 5 and 2!!

June 11th - Cousin Fun
Granny was taking care of Danna and Cole so we got to meet them at an indoor park in Edina. Owen rode to St. Cloud with Granny to drop them back off at home. They made an ice cream stop along the way and had some time to play in St. Cloud too. Owen LOVES his cousins!!

While Owen was away we took a walk in the wagon - of course wearing our rain boots while kicking back and relaxing!

June 12th - Sunglasses and a Twins Hat
My Cute Little Beefer
June 13th - Rookie Camp
Owen participated in Rookie Camp this year. It is free for 4 and 5 year olds in Eden Prairie. He sure looks cute as a little baseball player!!
Owen's buddy Collin is on his team!!
These two...
While Owen was at baseball Ethan got to have some fun of his own!
June 14th - Water Day and Soccer!
We love water fun especially on really hot summer days!!
Owen even convinced Dad to do the Slip n Slide
Soccer Practice! Lucky to have our buddy Collin on our soccer team too :-)
June 18th - Swimming at the Fox's
Owen can't get enough of my aunt and Uncles Pool! He loves going swimming when we visit granny on Thursdays!!
June 20th - Summer Fun!!
Bike rides, movers, water fun - oh my!! We love playing outside in the summer especially with our neighbors!!
Ethan and Colin getting wet!!
June 21st - Ice Cream!!
Owen couldn't decide if he wanted a bowl of ice cream or an ice cream sandwich. So... have both - why not its summer!!!
June 24th - Popsicles with Friends!
Popsicles with friends on a summer day - doesn't get much better than this!!
Ethan and Micah
Owen and Maria
June 25th - Scoops
Granny and Papa took Owen to Scoops for Ice Cream!!! He is one lucky boy - Granny and Papa spoil him!!
June 27th - Crazy Tummy Swinging 2 Year Old
This boy is a wild man!!
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