Saturday, January 31, 2015

January 2015 - Happy New Year!!

January 1st - Our Inside Slide

Ethan got a slide from my parents for Christmas.  We kept it in the basement for the winter and the boys loved it.  They spent a lot of time on the slide and it kept them quite entertained this winter!!

January 3rd - Doctor Beefy

Ethan got a doctor kit for Christmas and really liked wearing the doctor glasses :-)

January 5th - Blanket Beefy

Loves to snuggle with blankies...just like his brother.

January 10th - Closet Legos and Soccer

I needed to take a shower and Owen wanted to build his police station... he requested to build them in our bedroom closet which is right outside our bathroom.  Sounds good bud - anything that allows me to take a shower!!

Owen had his first day of soccer.  He ran around and kicked his soccer ball before practice started and then said he was too tired to practice with the other kids.  He played a little but stay tuned... he participated more in the weeks to come.

January 14th - MOA and Sledding

We had a mommy and Owen day today.  We went to the kindergarten open house at Eden Lake Elementary School (the school that Owen will go to in September).  Then we went to lunch and went on rides at Mall of America.    

Hattie, Harper and Benson came over in the afternoon and the kids played in the snow and did some sledding.

January 15th - KinderCare Winter Gala

Every year our daycare center has a winter program.  All the classes sang a couple of songs.  The little kids are cute and a lot of them stand up there and cry.  The big kids get distracted with all of the parents in the room.  It is kind of a clown show but I wouldn't miss it for anything!!

January 17th - Just another Saturday :-)

The boys had matching PJs on so when Owen asked if he could hop in Ethan's crib with him in the morning I decided to snap a few pics.

This boy loves to read!!

Another day of soccer.  Today I bribed Owen.  I told him if he played with the kids and listened to the coaches I would take him to Cub for a donut.  Turns out Owen will do pretty much anything for a donut.

Owen got a little tired of playing so he had a little chat with coach Kat.

Owen and coach Kat at practice; she did a little one on one with him :-)

January 22nd - A visit from Papa

My dad came to hang out with the boys while Mike and I went to a parent only night at Owen's future elementary school - Thanks Dad for helping with the boys!!

January 24th - Soccer and a Snowman

Owen did great at soccer today and didn't even need to be bribed!!

After soccer, dad and Owen built a snowman with the little bit of snow we had in our yard.  I think it was the first time that there was good snowman making snow.  Owen got to use his snowman kit that he got for christmas.  They made a good looking snowman!!

January 27th - 20 Months

You wouldn't know it from the looks of this picture but the "terrible twos" have kicked in around here.  I can't believe Ethan will be two in just four months!!!

January 29th - Cookies with Friends

We had a play date with the Farms!!  Since Valentines Day isn't too far away I got us some valentine cookies to make and decorate.  It was a quick activity but the kids really enjoyed the cookies, frosting and sprinkles.

January 30th - Just like my Brother

Ethan isn't a thumb sucker but every now and again he has to do whatever Owen does - He sure loves his Big Brother!

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