Owen has plagiocephaly (which means a flat spot on his head). Owen's flat spot is on the left side of his head not on the back. When Owen sleeps he usually has his head completely turned to the left. Turning his head so far to the left when he sleeps is most likely related to having torticollis (a tight muscle in his neck). Being breech is most likely the cause of the torticollis.
I noticed the flat side of his head when he was just two weeks old. I was reassured that he was to little to worry about a flat head and that it would round out as he started to move more. It didn't round out on its own so I asked about it at each doctor appointment and finally just before he was 6 months old we were referred to Gillette to see a Craniofacial Surgeon. Owen had a CT scan to assess the sutures in his head. The CT scan was normal! The sutures were not fused and all he needs is the CranioCap to fix the flat spot and physical therapy to loosen up his little neck.
Owen got his cap today. So far he doesn't really seem to mind. I think it is harder on me than it is on him. He will wear it 22 hours per day for the next four months. We will go in every two weeks to have the cap adjusted to his growing head and to have physical therapy. Mike and I also have to do stretches each day at home to help loosen his neck. I am sure the time will fly by and he will be cap free in no time!
Cutest littls CranioCap baby I have ever seen. I volunteer to help him do his stretches on Christmas!