Saturday, January 9, 2010

The First 20 Weeks

As most of you know by now Mike and I are expecting a baby in the middle of May. The first 20 weeks of being pregnant flew by. Here is a time line of events…

September 4th - Mike and I found out we are prengant and due May 16th, 2010!!

October 8th – 8 ½ weeks along, spilled the beans to My Mom, Amber and Sandi when we were on a girl’s trip in AZ. Filled my Dad, brother and Eric in when we got home.

October 16th - 10 ½ weeks along, told Mike, Ellie and Jill. Made them a Cake of the Calendar of May with the due date decorated. They caught on right away and were very excited.

October 30th – 12 week doctors appointment. Heard the heart beat for the first time. It was 163 beats per minute. Had Mike’s mom over for dinner and told her she is going to be the grandma for the first time.

November 1st - Had a get together with the Elhard Family. Surprised them with another calendar cake.

November 7th – 13 weeks along, Told Jess, Fran and Jamie at a girl’s dinner. The cat is now out of the bag and it is not longer a secret. Everyone knows Mike and I are having a baby!!

December 4th – 16 week doctors appointment. Heart rate is 147 beats per minute.


  1. Love the blog and love even more that you and Michael are having a baby. And a BOY!! -- how truly wonderful for you! I am looking forward to meeting the newest member of our family and your latest blessing!
    Hug Your Belly ~ Love B and Niecee

  2. I love this blog! I am so excited for you two! You seem to be Very excited yourselves. Congratulations again!!!!!
