Friday, August 5, 2011

Lots of Work and Some Fun

We have been very busy getting settled into our new house. We spent most of last weeks cleaning and unpacking. We still have some odds and ends to deal with but the house is looking good! If your ever in the area give us a call and stop on by :-)

Hard at work - painting the bathroom.

Spare room all clean!

Dining room ready for furniture :-)

Owen's Room

Kitchen is all organized.

Sitting on a new patio chair.

And at the end of the busy week I got to go relax at Mo's Cabin with the girls!


  1. I LOVE Owen's room! Did you do put up the white 'stuff' (because I don't know what its called) or was that already there?

  2. Thanks! The whites stuff(beadboard)was already there :-) Just needed a fresh coat of white paint!
